Upgrading To v1.7 From v1.6

High Impact Changes

Low Impact Changes

Upgrade Guide

Estimated Upgrade Time: 1 Minutes

Updating Dependencies

Likelihood Of Impact: High

Update dependencies in the go.mod file:

github.com/goravel/framework v1.7.3

Add Validation module

Likelihood Of Impact: High

Version: v1.7.0

  1. Add app/providers/validation_service_provider.goopen in new window file;
  2. Add &validation.ServiceProvider{}, &providers.ValidationServiceProvider{}, to the providers item in the config/app.goopen in new window file;

For Detail

Fix request template BUG

Likelihood Of Impact: High

Version: v1.7.1

  1. Fix import path BUG of the request template that created by go run . artisan make:request Test;

Fix Validation module BUG

Likelihood Of Impact: High

Version: v1.7.2

  1. Fix the BUG that does not take effect when the facades.Validation module registers multiple custom Rule;

Optimize the queue name of the queue module

Likelihood Of Impact: Low

Version: v1.7.2

  1. Add a prefix to the queue name of the facades.Queue module during actual execution, in order to distinguish between multiple projects, the prefix rule: ${app_name}_queues:${queue};
  2. Implicit optimization, you don't need to modify any code;

Fix Auth module BUG

Likelihood Of Impact: High

Version: v1.7.3

  1. Fix the BUG that calling facades.Auth.User method returns Unknown column error when the primary key of user table is string type;